OLENS- Best Korean Colored Contact Lenses

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  • lin··· 01/29/2020 0Recommend

    I want to be more successful, and want to hit 100k followers in two months.
    I want to stop being lazy and start workout to have a nice body.
    I want to learn everything new to make me success.
    I would like to try Symphony 3con and Island.

  • Viv··· 01/29/2020 0Recommend

    In 2020,
    I want to start: being healthier! Exercise twice every week, sleep early every day. :)
    I want to stop: playing League of Legends. :(
    I want to learn: how to be a better friend and girlfriend. <3

    I want to try: Spanish real olive, Spanish real pink (-3.00 prescription) ^_^

  • Mar··· 01/24/2020 0Recommend

    In 2020,
    I want to be more vocal at work and exercise more regularly.
    I want to stop snacking so much and overthinking things.
    I want to learn to be someone who spreads positivity to people around me.
    I would like to try vivi ring brown and spanish real peach! :)

  • Zac··· 01/23/2020 0Recommend

    i want to start: Doing my part in saving the environment
    I want to stop: My usage of plastic and reduce waste
    I want to learn: How to do my part in saving the environment
    I want to try: Russian velvet green and Russian velvet brown

  • Jin··· 01/23/2020 0Recommend

    I want to start: Putting my 100% in all my school work
    I want to stop: Adopting other people's opinions without first assessing a situation myself
    I want to learn: Sign language! I'd love to be able to communicate with the deaf community!
    I want to try: Spanish Real Peach and Russian Velvet Brown

  • Dia··· 01/23/2020 0Recommend

    I want to start: eating healthier and looking after my health!
    I want to stop: sleeping too late at night so I can sleep at a better time!
    I want to learn: more K-Pop dances!
    I want to try: Spanish Real Gray and Lavender Gold 3Con!

  • Ald··· 01/22/2020 0Recommend

    I want to start: Saving money and exercise
    I want to stop: eating junk food ;p
    I want to learn: to be a bartender
    I want to try :Island grey and Island cobalt

  • dan··· 01/22/2020 0Recommend

    I want to start making money.
    I want to stop procrastination.
    I want to learn everything.
    I want to try Hanabe Choco and Spanish real Olive.

  • Kar··· 01/22/2020 0Recommend

    I want to start traveling the world and exercising!
    I want to stop eating out too often and cook more at home.
    I want to learn how to cook.
    I want to try Symphony 3 con green and grey like Lisa!
    Happy New Year Olens!

  • car··· 01/22/2020 1Recommend

    I want to start: Reading!!!
    I want to stop: Procrastinating and be more productive with my work
    I want to learn: painting
    I want to try :Island grey and Island cobalt